Start to Finish Guide on Building a New Home

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Are you planning to push through your dream house finally? Building a new house should be well-planned like a significant milestone in our lives. But how? Where do we start? Should we need a house contractor? Well,  to solve your problems, here is the ultimate guide from start to finish on building your new house.

  • Excavation and Foundations

The best time to begin your new house construction? Now. You can start with hiring some heavy movers to come and shape the landscape. If the existing land previously has houses built upon it and you don’t need any significant changes, then you can completely skip this step. When all has been cleared, start to see the floor plan of the house. Whether the construction of one area prevents access to another and depending upon how complete the house layout is, this step can take anywhere between 1-4 weeks. 

  • Framing

The next thing to consider should be the framing. If foundations and footings are the horizontal guide plan for the house, then frames are the major help in building the vertical. Framing refers to the timber wall skeletons and outlines built by carpenters. It will start laying the tracks for the flooring, roof, doors, and windows. If you are not having a construction company, be sure to spend some significant time vetting and choosing your house contractor.

  • Presentational Exterior

When the foundation has been created, it is time to start creating the house exterior to your design. Once your roof looks like a roof, and your wall is looking like walls, it’s time to start bulking out the interior.

  • Interior Utilities

The external work mentioned throughout step three can be done simultaneously with step four along with any other internal design to save time. It includes lines and piping and insulation.

  • Presentational Interior

When we talk of interiors, plasterboard usually constitutes the actual interior wall of your new house build. Once this is in place, the walls are functionally done, requiring only aesthetic additions from this point and finishing of fixtures areas such as the doors and windows. This is also the stage where you work with your flooring and interior trim.

  • Final Utilities

Final Utilities include plumbing, electricity, and water retention facilities. Your new house build should a plumber come in to finish piping for any areas that require it. In addition, the electrician will provide power to whatever utilities remain that still require finalizing, such as air conditioning, lighting, powerpoints, and appliances. Lastly, If you are installing a water retention facility like a water tank on your property, waterproofing is important to ensure it does its job correctly. 

  • Tidy up and scrub out

As a result of home construction, there’s going to be a lot of accumulated rubbish that will need to be hauled as well as soil to fill in. You should finish all of this before continuing any further, as the rest of the remaining tasks require somewhat of a clean slate to begin.

  • The final construction

Now is the time to begin landscaping. Unless you’re going to pre-grown plants, and rolled-out grass, this is a process that will take considerable time to get fully settled in, so start as soon as possible and save time in the long term.

  • Residential waterproofing

With efficient waterproofing, you will be saving your home from concrete cancer, electrical fires, rising damps, and extreme weather events.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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